
Club on the Rails

Club on the rails Still, lots to do, the last of the slats to be put up, and the painting of all new woodwork. And the mast to be re-stepped.The committee would like to thank all who help out and remind the club members about this coming Maintenance weekend, Sat & Sun whichever day you…

The Port of Nonsuch

Seamanship and Nav day

Sunday 23rd Feb 25 was the annual Seamanship and Navigation Day. Committee members were on hand to answer question on Battery’s, Engines, Eu crossing reg’s, manoeuvring skills with springs. This was just a few of the questions asked by Club members. Big thanks to the Commodore Janet and her Galley crew that put on the…


Considering how Storm Bert was making its presence felt today, with almost constant 35 to 40-knot winds, we had a surprising turnout of members for the 2024 NFYC Club AGM. After two years in the position of Commodore, Brian retired and handed his flag over to Janet for the foreseeable future. This had been Brian’s…

Changes Afoot!

After an epic 11 years in the position of Secretary, today Margaret resigned her position and took part in her final meeting. The club AGM 2024. Here, the outgoing Commodore presented her with a very large mounted photo of Wat Tyler, as a keepsake and thank you, from the club. Unfortunately, Elaine, our treasurer, also…