Club on the Rails
Club on the rails
Still, lots to do, the last of the slats to be put up, and the painting of all new woodwork. And the mast to be re-stepped.
The committee would like to thank all who help out and remind the club members about this coming Maintenance weekend, Sat & Sun whichever day you can make it.
On Sunday work started repairing the railings on the patio to make them safe for our members, so they can enjoy the racing and picturesque views of the river Crouch.
Work started after the Quiz night, with the Table and Chairs being brought into the clubhouse. The next morning at 0800Hrs men and their tools started to arrive, the old rails were removed, this was carried out under the supervision of the works Manager, John & works Foreman Brian “or was it the other way round”? Another note-worthy worker was Dan, after mashing the spuds the night before, smashed up and removed the old woodwork, Nigel & Jo for moving the waste from the club to the waste bin, Tim & Adrian who spent hours cutting, Drilling and countersinking the many slats that were needed, Roger the head Mud fisherman a well retrieved Hammer.
Also, the club would to thank the team of washer uppers that turned to, in the galley to wash up the pots and pans that had been left in soak overnight from the previous quiz night. Sue, Jo, and Barbara, also kept the workers afloat in a sea of Tea & Coffee.
Monday saw Jo putting up slats with John & Tim Doing the tall slats around the BBQ area.