Club Calendar
Our calendar can be pretty full on and varied and is broken down into different categories. Here we present the complete calendar, in its entirety. We hope this helps plan your year and enables you to plan ahead and join us.
Monthly Weekly Daily List Grid Tile
March 2025
Summertime Begins
Today is the day Summertime starts, the clocks go forward and we all lose an hour’s sleep. But at least it will be a little lighter in the mornings.
April 2025
Committee Meeting Z
Monthly Committee Meeting
Boat Jumble
Bring and Buy your boat stuff that there’s no further need for. This is always a popular event, so get there early for the best deals.Â
Committee Meeting F2F
Face to Face Committee Meeting
Shake Down Sail to Roach, Raft up
Shake Down Sail to Roach, Raft up, have lunch, do what sailors do.Â
May 2025
Club Cruise to Ramsgate
It is proposed to enjoy a cruise down to/over to Ramsgate with the potential of a trip to Hornby World on the Sunday. If truth be told, there will probably...
Night Sail for those who have never sailed at night.
This trip is aimed specifically at those who have never sailed at night before, with the remainder of the fleet joining on the Saturday for a weekend of, Erm! Frivolity!.
June 2025
Slipper Race
This is the first in the summer race series. It is proposed that a BBQ will be held after this race.
Solstice Race
The Annual Solstice Race, Only 1 week early this year.!
Commodore Sail Past
Showing our respect for the current Commodore, we will hold our Annual sailpast today. There will be a party after which will be hosted by Janet our current Commodore.
Pirate Fun Day
Rapidly becoming a popular event when we all get to become pirates for the day.The event will be held at its usual location and times will be advised in due...
July 2025
Impatients Race
The Impatients race this year is proposed to be a two-day event with a long race to Ipswich, retuning the following day.
No event found!