Burnham Mini Cruise
It was a very busy weekend for the members of the NFYC with lots going’s on. On Friday 12th May Menhic left for Brightlingsea, Jo and John had taken on a spare deck hand, his task’s were taking photos of his feet and getting a sun tan, eating and drinking as much as Jo could dish up from the chuck wagon and supervising. See if you can guess who, answers on a postcard!
Saturday 13th May saw a mini cruise to Burnham and a meal ashore. On the way to Burnham Gi Gi, Kristal Jaq and Shmir were all out enjoying their boats on the River Crouch, but all going in the wrong direction.
At 16:00 hrs the crews of Lunan and Blue Streak mustered on board the commodores boat Ithuna, for a safe arrival party. The worlds problems were put rights and at 18:30hrs with our best go ashore’s on, we set a course to the Curry Cottage with Barbara and Jenny setting a brisk walking pace.
After an enjoyable meal, the sea wall was found and keeping that on out port side the tricky job of finding or staggering our way back to the boats began. Just passed the B.Y.C. the sea wall ends and DR navigation begun, to Port the pit of doom, to Starboard the field of green nothingness. All skippers and crews made it safely to the electric security gate at the marina pontoons. Barbara was pushed to the fore, as a voice from the back said, she was good at pushing buttons!
Next morning all crews set off to the Bistro on the Quay, on the sea wall, for breakfast. As we sat down to start our full English reports & photos started to come in about Menhics sail back, with her freshly clean bottom the photo’s show Jo doing all the hard work in her nice new welly boots.
In the act of trying to get Menhic to go faster they tried to dump excess weight, but the man from L.F.B. refused to be dumped overboard. All boats back on their moorings by 18:00hrs on Sunday and looking forward to the Shotley marina cruise in a few weeks.